Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day One

I'm starting this blog as a way to share the life of our family with those that I wish could be in it on a daily basis. OK, maybe not daily, but certainly more than they are due to time and space:) Somehow having a child makes sharing our lives with our families so much more important. I hope this helps you all feel a little more connected to the little Snuggli. We'll see how this evolves from being mostly about the baby, to interludes of my daily insanities and rambling thoughts. I'm going to jump right in on our nice little Sunday.

Today we took Snugs (aformentioned 4-month old, aka Snuggles, Snuggly, The Snugs) to the aquarium. She loves the fishtank at our house, so we thought we'd expand her horizons. She was bright eyed and intrigued the whole time. She would not nap until she was safely back in her pod, facing the familiar seatback of Silver Sally the Suburu.

side note: I'm not sure how I feel about the tigers at the aquarium. Not only are they out of place to be in the middle of a freeway in Denver...but, it's an aquarium, "aqua" refers to water, right?

Anyway, I think I saw Snugs balk at our not so shabby home aquarium upon our return. Is the magical awe we have to offer slipping away already? I don't really think so, since sticking out my tongue this evening seemed to be the mac daddy of tricks.

Tomorrow starts our first week of a full working schedule for both me and Matt. My maternity leave has slowly dwindled through holidays, 3 days a week, fridays what it will remain indefinitely as 4 day work weeks. Matt starts his 3 day a week gig at the docs office. Matt and I feel lucky for the schedule we are starting with, and the amount of time we get to spend with Snugs.

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