Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Much to know about meat

I've never been a red meat eater. I would order the Filet-o-fish at Micky D's when I was a kid...never the hamburger. I ate pseudo vegetarian for years (never gave up the fish). Then there was this one day...around the time Haven started knocking on my womb, I had a craving. "Matt", I says to my vulnerable husband at the mercy of his pregnant wife. "I think I want to eat a steak". Off to Wild Oats we go in search of a piece of red meat to crave my carnivorious, low iron needs. As I'm looking at the meat counter, the following conversation ensues.

"What kind do we get"
"We should go with the tenderolion"
"It's $20/lb. These others are only $5/lb"
"You're a picky eater don't eat red meat, we should go with the Tenderloin"
"I don't think we should spend that much on one meal, I'm confused, I'm I'm I'm going to cry..."

Yes, my one and only hormonal breakdown was at the meat counter of Wild Oats. And, Matt was right. I only like tenderloin. And, I still do. Tonight Matt is dusting of the snowfall to make a steak.

...and do YOU put away your deck furniture in the winter?

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sometimes I feel like I can see what a beautiful person Haven is becoming. She is a soft, gentle spirit. She's just shaping her world view and it feels good that we can surround her with such a safe and positive energy everyday. In her eyes, this is a world without poverty, war, prejudice, or hate. She sees love and support between friends and family, encouragement to be and do, not to be afraid. Not a day, hardly an hour goes by right now that I'm not thankful for something. You are all a part of that, and I thank you. I must have done something good along the way to be born into this lot in life.

Yesterday was a day of firsts. We rented skins for my skis and the ski package for the chariot and headed to the mountains. 2 dogs, the 3 of us, the chariot, skis and 3 friends.

We had a blast. Snugs was a trooper and took one for the team, braving the cold and wind for us all to have fun. The hike was followed by a family style meal and warm chai.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


We thought a lot about how the dogs would react to a little snuggly around. Would they get the kind of attention they got BB (like, before baby, jeez). They were the topic of, maybe 30% of conversation between Matt and I and most of the pictures on the camera. We'll I'm happy to report the introduction has posed no problems as of yet. They are just getting to know each other and are still getting love by us.

Let me introduce Mr Fast Neddy Nederland the No Nuts (excuse the language) Nizzled Spagettiman. (names changed for privacy of course.

Do I have to be cohesive in my thoughts for this blog or am I going to be true to the way my brain really thinks and skip from one thought to the next? On to the next topic. I was a bit crafty over the winter break and got all this fabric and sewing supplies, knitt a pair of pants with my mom, set up a sewing room. I'm divulging my craft love right now that you will see demontrated here in many ways. Like this.

I made this crayon roll from a pattern I got from (hyperlink work please! I'm trying to give credit here). This is for my sister's littleman Max. Soon enough he'll love his crayons and will be able to have his hip mom with her hip crayon case in her hip anthropologie bag (don't even get me started on Anthropologie...I will let you dress me blindfolded from that store). Oh, and I use that bag everyday Rob...every day!

OK 2 more thoughts, are you still with me?

Remember this one?

We'll she's gonna be a breakdancer.

Things that make you go hmmmm


Enjoy the twilight people.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

new appreciation

Matt and I are uncovering the cobwebs of winter sickness that hit us over the weekend. You know, the gut wrenching stomach kind...

So far Snugs seems to have made it through without getting sick. I'm so glad for that. Must be the miracle milk. It was hard enough taking care of a healthy, easy, baby while we were sick, I can't even imagine taking care of her being sick too. And, seeing her in pain like I was do you moms deal? This is where I was going with the new appreciation. MOMS! I don't even remember my mom being sick as a kid...but, I sure remember her taking care of me when I was sick. Chicken soup ready and waiting, blanky pulled out of storage, being check on and hugged when needed. Where you sick too through all that?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Your chariot awaits

I've been holding out introducing the newest member of our family until I had a picture that would do justice. This is Haven's first portable device...only it holds her instead of her holding it. It will be mp3s and text messaging soon enough.

Today we all went out on a walk. It was 3.5 miles. I know this because Matt has a pedometer on his belt buckle. "Do you want to know how far I walked today" "How 'bout today?." This device measures steps. You could get the answer to, "How many steps have I taken today." You want to know who's working on taking steps? You guessed it.

Cobra, no hands.

Winter warmth

It's been cold here in Colorado with gusty winds making it essential to have warm clothes to be fully happy. Thankfully Ohma is the best knitter I know. Being a novice knitter myself, I have enough experience to know what I'm talking about with Cindy's knitting skills...this said without even going into how she raises her own sheep, shears and spins the wool herself. She made us a blanket for our wedding present and it's my favorite home accessory.

On to how this relatees to Haven, since it ultimately aways does...

The sweater...look at the sweater! It's so beautiful. Thank You!

And this one just because...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Haven loves Grandpa

Grandpa Time from susan shultz on Vimeo.

My parents came for a quick trip. They had some flying issues and only got to spend 2 full days with us. It was a busy 2 days, but we'll take what we can get. I love sharing Haven with them. I feel so blessed to have this little family unit, and it is only increased when we get to share with our parents. Isn't it true that sharing your happiness with your parents is such a gift? I've always felt that way...whether it was a good grade on a test, praise at work, engagement, pregnancy, how much Haven weights...I call my parents first. Thanks for spoiling us!

On another note, my girlfriend gave Haven this adorable plate as a baby gift. Thanks Larkyn! She also has an amazing style blog that I check out religiously. I have been turned onto great fabrics and artwork here

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lucky to have talented friends

Here are some pictures from my good friend Caroline who is starting her own photography business Check her out:)

C~I'll collect my payout later. Thx for the exersaucer!

By the way,Matt took off his Icebreaker wool shirt (featured above) to put on a button-down prepster shirt for work today. Can you believe it? Some of you out there know what a momentuous occasion this is. He has been sleeping in it though to make up for the missed hours. We love them just the way they are:)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

THe snuggle's first guitar lesson and umpteenth Beatle sing along.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day One

I'm starting this blog as a way to share the life of our family with those that I wish could be in it on a daily basis. OK, maybe not daily, but certainly more than they are due to time and space:) Somehow having a child makes sharing our lives with our families so much more important. I hope this helps you all feel a little more connected to the little Snuggli. We'll see how this evolves from being mostly about the baby, to interludes of my daily insanities and rambling thoughts. I'm going to jump right in on our nice little Sunday.

Today we took Snugs (aformentioned 4-month old, aka Snuggles, Snuggly, The Snugs) to the aquarium. She loves the fishtank at our house, so we thought we'd expand her horizons. She was bright eyed and intrigued the whole time. She would not nap until she was safely back in her pod, facing the familiar seatback of Silver Sally the Suburu.

side note: I'm not sure how I feel about the tigers at the aquarium. Not only are they out of place to be in the middle of a freeway in Denver...but, it's an aquarium, "aqua" refers to water, right?

Anyway, I think I saw Snugs balk at our not so shabby home aquarium upon our return. Is the magical awe we have to offer slipping away already? I don't really think so, since sticking out my tongue this evening seemed to be the mac daddy of tricks.

Tomorrow starts our first week of a full working schedule for both me and Matt. My maternity leave has slowly dwindled through holidays, 3 days a week, fridays what it will remain indefinitely as 4 day work weeks. Matt starts his 3 day a week gig at the docs office. Matt and I feel lucky for the schedule we are starting with, and the amount of time we get to spend with Snugs.